Prodajna mjesta

National Day and Corpus Christi Day: Additional departures on the most frequent city lines, changees in the working hours of Points of sale

Dear users,

30.05.2024. (State Day and Corpus Christi Day), lines 1A and 1B run according to the working day timetable, which means that the number of departures on these lines has increased by 40 departures.

Selling spots

On 30.05.2024. (State Day and Corpus Christi Day), the Pile sales point is open during working hours from 07:00 - 21:00.

The Lapad sales point is open from 07:30 to 14:00.

Other points of sale will not be active.

icon calendar 29.05.2024.

icon vijesti JOŠ NOVOSTI

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