
Transportation during the Dubrovnik Winter Festival

Dear users,

by the decision of the City of Dubrovnik, and as already communicated to the public, during the duration of the Dubrovnik Winter Festival (02.12.2023-06.01.2024), starting at 5:00 p.m., free transportation is provided to all users of services on all city lines and to those who board or unloading takes place in the wider area of ​​the City of Dubrovnik (to and from Brsečin and Gornji sela).

We ask service users to use only the first door when entering, where they will be issued a corresponding ticket for the ride in question free of charge.

Exceptionally, we ask the holders of our subscription cards to register on the devices, but also without additional payment. Holders of other types of tickets are advised not to validate them, but to ask the driver for the previously mentioned ticket.

icon calendar 01.12.2023.